Synthesis of extremely small InP quantum dots and electronic coupling in their disordered solid films

Extremely small colloidal InP quantum dots (QDs) with diameters ranging from 15 to 23 Å were synthesized, and the optical properties of close-packed arrays of these dots were studied. The isolated QDs in dilute colloidal solution exhibit pronounced discrete absorption spectra, indicating a narrow size distribution. The absorption spectra of close-packed solids of ∼18 Å diameter QDs with interdot spacings of 9 and 18 Å show that the absorption onsets and excitonic peaks are, respectively, redshifted and broadened in going from dilute solution to close-packed solids. These results can be explained by electron delocalization in disordered close-packed solids; the spacing of electronic levels in the QDs is reduced and produces a redshift in the absorption spectra.