Prognostic factors in the myelodysplastic syndromes: importance of initial data on peripheral blood counts, bone marrow cytology, trephine biopsy and chromosomal analysis

Summary: An analysis of clinical, haematological, histological and cytogenetic data was performed in 85 consecutive patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The criteria for diagnosis of refractory anaemia (RA), acquired idiopathic sideroblas‐tic anaemia (AISA) and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) were clearly defined, since the inclusion criteria provided by the FAB co‐operative group are imprecise. None of these patients has received chemotherapy during the follow‐up period. The median survival of the whole group was only 15 months, with less than 10% of the patients surviving after 5 years. Fifteen patients (17.6%) were still alive at time of analysis, 31 (36.5%) have developed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and only one of them is still alive; 30 (35.3%) died of infectious and/or haemorrhagic complications. Patients who developed AML had a shorter survival (median survival time 9.5 versus 15 months) but this difference was not significant (P = 0.10). Factors with prognostic value are in order of significance: abnormal localized immature myeloid precursors (= ALIP) in the trephine biopsy. circulating myeloblasts, excess of blasts in the bone marrow smears, age, FAB classification and granulocyte count. In comparison to refractory anaemia with excess of blasts (RAEB), CMML and RAEB in transformation (RAEBt), patients with RA and AISA had a lower incidence of evolution to AML (11% versus 56%), but a higher mortality rate from infections and/or bleeding (59.2% versus 29%). ALIP negative cases were only found among patients with RA and AISA, whereas ALIP positivity was observed in all cases of RAEB and RAEBt. in 10/11 patients with CMML and in almost half the cases of RA and AISA. In RA and AISA patients survival was significantly different between