Mössbauer Effect Following Coulomb Excitation of the 43.8-keV State ofDy161

The Mössbauer effect following Coulomb excitation of the 43.8-keV state of Dy161 was studied for several Dy compounds and Dy metal. At 85°K, using 3.3-MeV α particles, effects as large as 3.5% were observed; a scintillation counter gave typical counting rates of 2000 counts/sec; 43.8-keV γ rays made up about one third of the total count rate. The half-life of this state predicts 2Γ0=8 mm/sec; the narrowest single line observed was 16 mm/sec. Dy-metal spectra taken at various temperatures were interpreted assuming a normal hyperfine interaction plus a central peak due to relaxation effects. The extracted value of the nuclear magnetic-dipole moment for this level of (0.134±0.005)μN agrees with the value calculated using the Nilsson model. The extracted value of the ratio of the intrinsic quadrupole moments of the ground and excited states of 1.12 ± 0.27 agrees with the value of 1.0 predicted by the Nilsson model. The extracted difference in the nuclear radius for the ground and excited states is δRR=(1.2±0.6)×105. A radiation-damage induced isomer shift corresponding to Dy4+ was observed in the DyF3 target at liquid-nitrogen temperature.