Collisions between composite particles at medium and high energies

Collisions between nuclei are studied by means of a simple extension of the Glauber high energy approximation. An expression for the optical phase shift function, exact within the framework of the Glauber approximation, is expanded in an infinite series and includes the effects of nuclear correlations. The first term corresponds to the standard optical limit result of the Glauber theory, and the higher order corrections arise from the processes in which one or more nucleons of either nucleus can undergo multiple collisions. The center-of-mass correlation is treated consistently so that our results do not exhibit the large-q divergence which characterizes the usual optical limit. It is shown that with realistic constraints on nucleon-nucleon total cross sections, the optical phase shift function does not approach the usual optical limit result when the mass numbers of the colliding nuclei become very large. With a proper treatment of center-of-mass correlations, the optical phase shift series converges rapidly for light nuclei and allows one to perform realistic calculations. The effects of higher order corrections on total and inelastic cross sections and on elastic scattering intensities are examined. The effects of the Coulomb field are included in an average phase approximation and results are compared with measurements.