The reaction mechanism and the states in Be8 in a Li6-induced reaction Li6(Li6, α)Be83α, were studied by a double-coincidence experiment in which angles and energies of the two simultaneous alphas were recorded. The bombarding energy was 1.9 MeV. When the data are transformed to the center-of-mass system, it is shown that a mechanism in which the entire available energy is divided equally between two alphas emitted 180° apart is some 23 times more probable than one in which one of the alphas recoils from Be8 in its ground state. There are also satellite coincidence maxima at 169° and 192°. The pattern can be interpreted as due to a cluster reaction mechanism in which Li6 combines with a deuteron cluster to produce a state of Be8 at 20.95±0.3 MeV which is (Li6+d)-like. The pattern is fitted best, if a Breit-Wigner probability distribution for the excited Be8 state is assumed, by a total width of 3.4 MeV. It is estimated that the α-decay width of this state is 260±90 keV. Such a mechanism has previously been suggested by Coste and Marquez, following ideas of Temmer. The angular distribution of the alpha group which leaves Be8 in its ground state is nearly isotropic in the barycentric system. It seems that the reaction leading to the ground state of Be8 proceeds through an intermediate compound nucleus, C12*. The absolute total cross section for an intermediate stage involving the ground state of Be8 is 5.8×1029 cm2; for the 20.85 MeV state it is 13×1028 cm2.