Emphysematous pyelonephritis in diabetic patients

Objective To determine the clinico‐pathological profile of patients with emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN). Patients and methods The records of 22 diabetic patients who presented with EPN were reviewed. Results EPN occurred predominantly in female diabetic patients without evidence of ureteric obstruction. The ages of the patients and the duration of the diabetes were variable. EPN occurred in insulin‐dependent as well as non‐insulin‐dependent patients. The patients presented following a prodromal illness of urinary sepsis, with an acute severe illness with symptoms and signs on the affected side. Dehydration and keto‐acidosis were common. The diagnosis was made by recognizing gas in the kidney on an X‐ray or ultrasound. Eighteen patients were subjected to emergency nephrectomy. Conclusions EPN is an uncommon, life‐threatening condition characterized by the production of intraparen‐chymal gas. We believe that vigorous resuscitation and emergency nephrectomy is the treatment of choice.