The Bogolubov group and quantisation of scalar fields
- 1 June 1989
- journal article
- Published by IOP Publishing in Classical and Quantum Gravity
- Vol. 6 (6) , 919-932
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 13 references indexed in Scilit:
- Geometric quantization and the Bogoliubov transformationProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1981
- Positive and negative frequency decompositions in curved spacetimeJournal of Mathematical Physics, 1979
- Remarks on positive frequency and hamiltonians in expanding universesGeneral Relativity and Gravitation, 1979
- QUANTUM FIELD THEORY IN CURVED SPACETIME: AN OVERVIEWAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1977
- Theory of particle detection in curved spacetimesPhysical Review D, 1977
- On Bogoliubov transformations for systems of relativistic charged particlesJournal of Mathematical Physics, 1977
- Quantum fields in curved space-timesProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1975
- Pair creation in expanding universesPhysical Review D, 1975
- Quantized Matter Fields and the Avoidance of Singularities in General RelativityPhysical Review D, 1973
- Quantized Fields and Particle Creation in Expanding Universes. IPhysical Review B, 1969