Curcumin Treatment Enhances the Repair and Regeneration of Wounds in Mice Exposed to Hemibody ??-Irradiation

Hemibody irradiation in multiple fractionated doses is frequently used for the treatment of various neoplastic disorders. It produces both acute and late effects on the skin and subcutaneous tissues that have profound implications in the healing of surgical wounds. Because of the crucial practical importance of hemibody radiation exposure associated with skin wounds, it is imperative to investigate the efficacy of cost-effective herbal products in the reconstruction of irradiated wounds. Therefore, the effect of pretreatment of curcumin was studied on the healing of excision wound in mice exposed to 2, 4, 6, or 8 Gy of hemibody gamma-radiation. A full-thickness skin wound was created by removing the skin flap of the dorsum of 8- to 10-week-old Swiss albino mice partially (lower half, below the rib cage) exposed to 2, 4, 6, or 8 Gy of gamma-radiation. The progression of wound contraction was monitored periodically by capturing video images of the wound, where the first image of each wound from different groups was obtained 1 day after wounding and that day was considered as day 0. Eight animals were used in each group at each exposure dose for wound contraction studies. Furthermore, the effect of curcumin on mean healing time after exposure of mice to 2, 4, 6, or 8Gy of hemibody gamma-radiation was also evaluated, where eight animals were used in each group at each exposure dose. Collagen, hexosamine, DNA, nitric oxide, and histologic profiles were also evaluated during the course of healing of excision wounds at days 4, 8, and 12 after irradiation treated or not with curcumin before exposure to 0 or 6 Gy of gamma-radiation. Six animals were used in each group at each interval for each biochemical parameter studied, except for histologic evaluations, where four animals were used in each group at each interval. Exposure of mice to different doses of gamma-radiation resulted in a dose-dependent delay in contraction and wound-healing time of excision wound, whereas curcumin pretreatment caused a significant elevation in the rate of wound contraction and a decrease in the mean wound-healing time. Treatment with curcumin before irradiation enhanced the synthesis of collagen, hexosamine, DNA, nitrite, and nitrate, and histologic assessment of wound biopsy specimens revealed improved collagen deposition and an increase in fibroblast and vascular densities. The authors' study demonstrates that curcumin pretreatment has a conducive effect on the irradiated wound and could be a substantial therapeutic strategy for ameliorating radiation-induced delay in wound repair in cases of radiation-induced skin injuries.