Suberin lamellae in the hypodermis of maize (Zea mays) roots; development and factors affecting the permeability of hypodermal layers

The development of suberin lamellae in the hypodermis of Zea mays cv. LG 11 was observed by electron microscopy and the presence of suberin inferred from autoliuorescence and by Sudan black B staining in nodal (adventitious) and primary (seminal) root axes. Suberin lamellae were evident at a distance of 30–50 mm from the tip of roots growing at 20°C and became more prominent with distance from the tip. Both oxygen deficiency and growth at 13°C produced shorter roots in which the hypodermis was suberized closer to the root tip. There were no suberin lamellae in epidermal cells or cortical collenchyma adjacent to the hypodermis. Plasmodesmata were not occluded by the suberin lamellae: there were twice as many of them in the inner tangential hypodermal wall (1,14 μn−2) as in the junction between the epidermis and hypodermis (0.54 μm−2). Water uptake by seminal axes (measured by micropotometry) was greater at distances more than 100 mm from the root lip than in the apical zone where the hypodermis was unsuberized. In the more mature zones of roots grown at 13°C rates of water uptake were greater than in roots grown at 20°C even though hypodermal suberization was more marked. Sleeves of epidermal/hypodermal cells (plus some accessory collenchyma) were isolated from the basal 60 mm of nodal axes by enzymatic digestion (drisclase). The roots were either kept totally immersed in culture solution or had the basal 50 mm exposed to moist air above the solution surface. In both treatments the permeabilities to tritiated water and 86Rb were low (circa 10−5mms−1) in sleeves isolated from the extreme base. In roots grown totally immersed, however, the permeability of sleeves increased 10 to 50-fold over a distance of 40 mm. In roots exposed to moist air the permeability remained at a low level until the point where the root entered the culture solution and then increased rapidly (> 50-fold in a distance of 8 mm). Growth of roots in oxygen depleted (5% O2) solutions promoted the development of extensive cortical aerenchymas. These developments were not associated with any reduction in permeability of sleeves isolated from the basal 40 mm of the axis. It was concluded that the presence of suberin lamellae in hypodermal walls does not necessarily indicate low permeability of cells or tissues to water or solutes. The properties of the walls (lamellae?) can be greatly changed by exposure to moist air, perhaps due to increased oxygen availability.