Further observations on the effects of preservation in 4% neutral formalin on the length and weight of 0-group flatfish

Two samples of 25 O-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) were taken each month from June to October, and observations were made on the post-mortem weight/length changes in one group and the preserved weight/length changes over 12 months in the other group. The relationship between preserved length (l) and live length (L) was L = I + 0.85 mm. Fresh gutted weight (W) exceeded the preserved weight (w) by △W when △W = 32.22 % 0.20w mg. A set of five samples preserved in formalin of differing salinities indicated that formalin diluted by tapwater or distilled water resulted in less change than when sea water was used. Dabs (Limanda limanda L.) were found to shrink less and lose significantly less weight than plaice of the same size.

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