Utilization of a specific in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation assay as an aid in detection of brucella-infected cattle not detected by serological tests

Studies using the in vitro lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) were conducted with cattle in a dairy herd with a high percentage of reactors to several serological tests for brucellosis. Lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral bovine blood by the Ficoll-diatrizoate technique. Lymphocytes were cultured using microtitration culture plates. Brucella abortus soluble antigen, at a concentration of 4.4 microgram/culture, was added to the appropriate wells of microtitration culture plates and incubated for 6 days. The lymphocyte stimulation responses were measured by assaying for [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. Seroagglutination tests were conducted simultaneously with the LST, and tissues were collected after slaughter of the cattle for bacteriological culture to isolate B. abortus. All 21 animals studied were serologically negative for anti-brucella antibodies. Two of the 21 animals were classified as infected with Brucella by the LST, and B. abortus biotype 1 was isolated from tissues of these same two animals. The LST exhibited significant sensitivity and specificity in this study, and more observations of this nature might strengthen the application of this assay as an aid in the diagnosis of brucellosis.