A pleistocene origin for shore platforms along the Northern Illawarra Coast, New South Wales

This paper examines the composition, structure and age of clastic deposits situated behind shore platforms at Austinmer and Coledale on the northern Illawarra coast, New South Wales. Our results support earlier chronological evidence of a Pleistocene history for shore platforms along the Illawarra coast. The size and fabric of sediments within these deposits indicate rapid, high‐energy deposition of bedrock eroded from platforms adjacent to the deposits. The elevations of the deposits above the modern shoreline suggest higher sea levels or higher wave energy gradients than presently occurs across these platforms. Dating of sediments within these deposits using 14C, AAR and TL techniques indicates Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene erosion of the shore platforms. Platform development was initiated before the Last Interglacial as correlative sediments lie atop relict platform surfaces landward of the modern platforms.