Spin‐Waves in Amorphous FexGe1−xThin Films

Magnetic properties of FexGe1−x amorphous thin films were studied by F.M.R. between 4.2 and 300° K for 0.5 < x < 0.65 . From the resonance spectra, the saturation magnetization, g factor, the spin‐wave stiffness constant D and their temperature dependences could be determined. For x > 0.6 Ms(T) follows the Bloch law and D(T) a Tα law where 3/2 ⩽ α ⩽ 2 . Near 0°K D(0) deduced from magnetization measurements and from S.S.W. spectra are in good agreement. For x < 0.6 and with decreasing Fe content the S.S.W. spectra progressively disappears and Ms (T) deviates largely from the Bloch law.