Chromosomal location of seed storage protein genes in the genome ofDasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy

Genes coding for glutenin-like subunits and for several prolamin subunits with electrophoretic mobilities (lactate-PAGE) corresponding to those of omega- and gamma-gliadins of wheat were located inDasypyrum villosum chromosome1V. Genes controlling four gliadinlike subunits with electrophoretic mobilities corresponding to those of alpha- and gamma-gliadins were located on the short arm of chromosome6V and on the long arm of chromosome4V. N-terminal amino acid sequences of these four components were also determined and homology with alpha-type gliadins was demonstrated. The presence of genes coding for glutenin- and gliadin-like subunits on chromosomes1V and6V demonstrates homoeology between theD. villosum chromosomes1V and6V and the chromosomes of homoeologous groups 1 and 6 in wheat. It is likely that the additional locusGli-V3 on chromosome4V originated by translocation from theGli-V2 locus.