Nuclear-Resonance Fluorescence inXe130

The 536-keV (2+) first excited state of Xe130 has been investigated by means of nuclear-resonance-fluorescence scattering experiments. The use of a Ge(Li) detector allowed a good determination of the Rayleigh scattering contribution which amounted to about 30% of the resonant peak. The level width was found to be (5.2 ± 0.9) × 105 eV, corresponding to a mean life of (1.3 ± 0.3) × 1011 sec and a B(E2) of (0.69±0.15)e2×1048 cm4. From this result and the relative transition probabilities determined previously in a Coulomb-excitation experiment by Pieper, Anderson, and Heydenburg, the absolute B(E2) values for the first excited states of Xe128 and Xe132 were obtained.