Spontaneous CSF Otorrhea

Robert W. Cantrell, MD (moderator): Welcome to the Department of Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery's grand rounds. Our topic today is "Spontaneous CSF Otorrhea." The case report will be given by Dr William Richtsmeier, one of our chief residents, and the discussion will be by Dr Robert A. Jahrsdoerfer, vice-chairman. We are privileged to have some visiting dignitaries today; Dr Jack Pulec of Los Angeles and Dr George Gates, professor and chairman of otolaryngology at the University of Texas at San Antonio, who are in town for a meeting of the Virginia Society of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. We are also happy to have various visiting otolaryngologists from the state of Virginia. Dr Richtsmeier, would you please give the case report? PRESENTATION OF A CASE William J. Richtsmeier, MD: A 66-year-old retired man was watching television when he felt a "bump" behind his right ear. Upon retiring that evening, he noticed a