(1) In ethanol and in water the maximum absorption bands of the substituted trinitrobenzenes are observed at longer wavelengths and possess smaller molar absorbancies than 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, a benzene nucleus of which possesses some greater positive charge than those of the derivatives. (2) Picric acid shows similar absorption curves in solvents like ethanol, water and acetone. This similarity seems to show that picric acid dissociates in all solvents. (3) On treating the trinitrobenzenes with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, the red colors are produced. The colors given by the trinitrobenzenes having substituents like –N(CH3)NO2, –Cl and –OH, are labile, while those produced from trinitrobenzene and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene are rather stable. The spectrum of the red color of trinitrobenzene closely resembles that of Tetryl.