DNA ligase I fromXenopus laeviseggs

We have purified the major DNA ligase from Xenopus laevis eggs and raised antibodies against it. Estimates from SDS PAGE indicate that this DNA ligase is a 180 kDa protein. This enzyme is similar to the mammailan type I DNA ligase which is presumed to be involved in DNA replication. We have also analysed DNA ligase actlvity during X. laevis early development. Unfertilized eggs contain the highest level of activity reflecting the requirement for a large amount of DNA replicative enzymes for the period of intense replication following fertilization. In contrast with previous studies on the amphibians axolotl and Pleumdeles, the major DNA ligase activity detected during X. laevis early development is catalysed by a single enzyme: DNA ligase I. And the presence of this DNA ligase I in Xenopus egg before fertilization clearly demonstrates that the exclusion process of two forms of DNA ligase does not occur during X. laevis early development.