On the Biological Role of Cyclic AMP

Before discussing the role of cyclicadenylate, or adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) in biology, I would like to make a few brief remarks about another subject, the role of the basic scientist in medicine. I would like to hope that this and the subject that I have been asked to write about are not completely unrelated. I bring this other subject up for two main reasons. First, I am myself optimistic about what the scientist can offer to the world, and especially to medicine. But second, I find others, ranging from beginning medical students to high government officials, who are not so optimistic. I am not overly concerned about our medical students, for the young have always been short on historical perspective and long on idealism. They sense, quite rightly in my view, that American medicine has fallen short of its earlier promise, and they are impatient to do something about