Ultra-Broadband CW Supercontinuum Generation Centered at 1483.4 nm from Brillouin/Raman Fiber Laser

About 100 nm CW supercontinuum centered at 1483.4 nm was generated from Brillouin/Raman fiber laser (BRFL). The BRFL consists of a Raman cavity with 700 m of phosphosilicate fiber (PDF) and pairs of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) mirrors and a Brillouin cavity with the PDF, 500 m of flexcor-1060 fiber, and output FBG mirrors. With 8.4 W/1064 nm Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser as pump and 50% feedback FBG mirror at end of BRFL, output power of over 1 W with 100 nm bandwidth centered at 1483.4 nm and weak 0.11 nm spectral modulation were observed.