Sex-linked Inheritance of Diapause in the European Corn Borer1: Its Significance to Diapause Physiology and Environmental Response of the Insect2

Inheritance of the diapause trait in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), followed a pattern substantially consistent with that of a sex-linked system. Lacking an understanding of the sex-linked inheritance of diapause, interpretation of research data on physiological and environmental responses has been difficult. Where feral or unselected populations are studied, results will be an average response of insects with different diapause capabilities. When European corn borer strains with known histories of diapause induction were exposed to varying photoperiods, we found high mortality in larvae normally destined to diapause, with the highest mortality in females. There is an urgent need for genetics research on insects which are used in intensive research programs and on insects of economic importance where the potential for genetic mechanisms for population management remain a vast, untapped resource.

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