Parvovirus B19 Infection - Persistence and Genetic Variation

53 patients with acute B19 infection were studied; symptoms at acute infection were rash and arthralgia (n = 26), rash (n = 7), arthralgia (n = 16), aplastic crisis (n =3), and intrauterine fetal death (n = 1). These patients were followed for 26–85 months (mean 57 months) and re-assessed for persistent symptoms, anti-B19 antibodies, and B19 DNA. At follow-up, 7 individuals were positive for serum B19 DNA, compared with none of the controls (2-tailed p value = 0.016). All 7 of those persistently infected were women, 3 of whom had symptoms; 1 had a chronic haemolytic anaemia (initial presentation was aplastic crisis); 1 had persistent arthralgia in both knees (initial presentation was bilateral knee arthralgia); and 1 had arthralgia in one knee and chronic fatigue syndrome (initial presentation was bilateral arthralgia in knees and shoulders). For the 7 persistently infected patients, serum from the time of diagnosis of acute B19 infection was available for 4, all of which contained B19 DNA. With single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) assay of these 11 PCR products, identical SSCP types were demonstrated in 5 of 7 follow-up isolates. In 2 of the 4 cases for which both acute and follow-up PCR product was available, the SSCP type of the follow-up product was different from that of the acute product. Two B19 virus types were demonstrated in one patient (with persistent arthralgia and chronic fatigue syndrome) at follow-up assessment.