Primary tumors of the optic nerve are common, and more than 400 cases have been previously reported, but the histopathologic nature of these neoplasms is still in doubt. The first to recognize the glial nature of the tumors of the optic nerve was Hudson,1 who, in 1912, evaluated 182 cases, of which 118 were classified as "gliomatosis," and described four types of cells: (1) bipolar cells with oval nuclei and straight or spiral processes; (2) cells with thick, spiral processes; (3) stellate cells with branched processes, and (4) cells with round or oval nuclei and a variable amount of coarsely granular cytoplasm of circular or angular outline. Verhoeff,2 in 1921, classified tumors of the optic nerve as gliomas. He stated that this type of glioma is the only tumor arising primarily intraneurally (in contrast to mesodermal tumors arising in the dural sheaths). He also described various cellular forms