Sequential changes of left ventricular function after cineangiography in normal heart and coronary artery disease.

To evaluate the effect of contrast material on left ventricular (LV) function, LV pressure and its 1st derivative were continuously monitored during and after LV cineangiography with Mikro-tip angiocatheters in 15 normal subjects (group 1) and patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) without LV asynergy (group 2, n = 10), with mild asynergy (group 3, n = 12) and severe asynergy (group 4, n = 13). In all 4 groups, systolic hypotension, decrease of negative dP/dt, and prlonged time constant of LV pressure fall (T) were observed in 30 s after dye injection and all these parameters returned to the control value in 2 min. LV end-diastolic pressure (EDP) began to elevate at 1 min, reached its peak at 2 min and stayed elevated for 7 min. Although significant decrease in LV systolic pressure was seen, indexes of LV contractility, peak positive dP/dt and (dP/dt)/DP, showed increase in all groups. No different directional changes of these parameters were observed among 4 groups. The degree of LVEDP elevation was parallel to the diastolic elastic stiffness constant (K) in group 1 (r = 0.64, (P < 0.05)). Systolic hypotension and prolonged relaxation evidently are only transient and elevation of LVEDP after the contrast material injection seems to be the effect of only acute volume overload.