Regional assignment of the structural gene for human alpha-L-iduronidase.

The structural gene encoding human .alpha.-L-iduronidase was assigned to chromosome 22 by using immunologic, electrophoretic and somatic cell hybridization techniques. Polyclonal rabbit antibodies raised against purified human low-uptake .alpha.-L-iduronidase were used to discriminate the human and murine isozymes by a sensitive immunoprecipitation assay. The human chromosome constitution of each clone was determined by cytogenetic and enzyme marker electrophoretic techniques. In 65 human (fibroblast)-mouse (RAG) somatic cell hybrids (from 4 independent fusions), the expression of human .alpha.-L-iduronidase was 100% concordant with the presence of human chromosome 22; the assignment was confirmed by the demonstration of the human enzyme in tertiary somatic cell hybrids containing only chromosome 22. Further verification of the gene assignment was made by detection of the human enzyme in tertiary chromosome 22 positive hybrids by Ouchterlony immunodiffusion and rocket immunoelectrophoretic experiments with polyclonal anti-human .alpha.-L-iduronidase antibodies that were monospecific for the human enzyme. Expression of human enzymatic activity in chromosome 22 positive hybrid lines was markedly reduced; for example, a tertiary hybrid (R-G21-J-15), which contained an average of 1.7 chromosome 22/cell, only had .apprx. 15% of the activity detected in normal diploid fibroblasts. Immunologic studies suggested that the reduced expression was due to abnormal post-translational processing or aggregation (or both) of the human and murine isozymes in these hybrids. Regional assignment of the human structural gene to 22pter .fwdarw. q11 was accomplished by gene dosage studies using diploid human fibroblast lines that were partially monosomic or trisomic for chromosome 22.