Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of crural arteries.

The authors dilated 103 stenosed crural arteries in 71 patients. Primary success was defined as traversing and reducing the lesion to a residual stenosis of less than 30%. This was achieved in 96% of cases. Complications included one vessel rupture and one occluding intimal flap, which were treated by the vascular surgeon with bypass and venous patch, respectively. One hematoma at the puncture site was treated surgically because of its size. With modern materials such as steerable guide wires and low-profile balloon catheters, dilation of crural arteries has become safe. Until now, the indications for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of crural arteries have been limited to Fontaine stages III and IV disease. The authors believe that the indications for PTA in Fontaine stage IIb disease are justified, especially if intervention improves outflow after a more proximal recanalizing procedure is performed.