The presence and possible role of products of nuclear (c-fos and c-jun) and c-ras proto-oncogenes were investigated in preimplantation embryonic development in mice. Polyclonal antibodies to c-fos or c-jun proto-oncogene products did not affect development of in vitro-cultured embryos from two-cell to morula or from morula to late blastocyst stages. However, v-H-ras monoclonal antibody (mAb) to c-ras protein (p21), although it did not inhibit the development of in vitro-cultured embryos from two-cell to morula stages, it significantly (P < .001–.005) inhibited the development of morula to late blastocyst stages in a dose-dependent manner. The effects of v-H-ras mAb were specific, since immunoabsorption with synthetic ras peptide completely blocked inhibitory effects of v-H-ras mAb. Neither c-fos nor c-jun antibodies reacted with specific proteins corresponding to c-fos (62 kDa) and c-jun (39 kDa) products on the Western blots of various murine ova/embryos extracts. However, the c-fos and c-jun antibodies reacted with 62 and 39 kDa protein bands, respectively, on the blot of NIH 3T3 cells extract. The v-H-ras mAb specifically identified 21 ± 3 kDa protein corresponding to c-ras p21 on the blots of early as well as late blastocyst extracts. The rat control ascites IgG1 did not react with any protein band on the blots of various ova/embryo extracts. The reactions of v-H-ras mAb on the Western blots of blastocyst extracts were specific, since immunoabsorbed antibody was unable to react with any specific band on blots of early or late blastocyst extract. These results were further confirmed by immunoprecipitation procedure utilizing v-H-ras mAb. Again, the v-H-ras mAb immunoprecipitated a 21 kDa band from early as well as late blastocyst extracts. The rat control ascites IgG1 did not react with any band corresponding to p 21 in the immunoprecipitation procedure. These results suggest that the specific products of nuclear proto-oncogenes, the c-fos and c-jun, are not detected in murine ova and preimplantation embryos, and the respective antibodies do not inhibit embryogenesis, indicating that they may not play a major role in early embryonic development. On the other hand, the product of c-ras proto-oncogene is specifically expressed in the blastocyst-stage embryos and may have a possible role in preimplantation embryonic development in mice.