Pseudomonas aeruginosacross-colonization and persistence in patients with cystic fibrosis. Use of a DNA probe

SUMMARY: To investigate cross-colonization with and persistence ofPseudomonas aeruginosain cystic fibrosis (CF). 181 isolates from 76 CF patients were typed using aP. aeruginosa-specific DNA probe. Whereas sibling pairs predominantly harboured genotypically identicalP. aeruginosastrains, all of the other patients harboured different strains. Seventy-nine per cent (22/31) of the infected CF patients harboured the same strains at the beginning and the end of a summer camp. A change of strains was seen in 10% (3/31) of the patients at the end of the camp. Forty-six per cent (6/13) of the patients who were apparently initially uninfected, acquiredP. aeruginosaby the end of the period. Genotyping proved that strain change or acquisition was due to cross-colonization in four of nine cases. Very littleP. aeruginosawas isolated from the inanimate environment. Persistence ofP. aeruginosaafter a temporary loss due to antibiotic therapy was seen in 12/16 paired patient strains before and after antibiotic therapy. Thus, suppression followed a flare-up seemed to occur in these patients rather than eradication and a new infection. When 35 patients were followed over a period of 6 months, 7 (20%) changed the strain in their sputum. Only one of 43 patients harboured two differentP. aeruginosastrains simultaneously over a long period.