New measurement of the proton capture rate on7Beand theS17(0)factor

The 7Be(p,γ)8B reaction plays a central role in the evaluation of solar neutrino fluxes. We report on a new precision measurement of the cross section of this reaction, following our previous experiment with an implanted 7Be target, a raster-scanned beam, and the elimination of backscattering losses. The new measurement incorporates a higher activity 7Be target and a number of improvements in design and procedure. The cross section at a selected energy Ec.m.=850keV (where c.m. stands for center of mass) was measured several times under varying experimental conditions, yielding a value of S17(Ec.m.=850keV)=24.0±0.5eVb, to serve as a benchmark. Measurements were carried out at lower energies as well. Due to the precise knowledge of the implanted 7Be density profile, it was possible to reconstitute both the off- and on-resonance parts of the cross section and to obtain from the entire set of measurements an extrapolated value of S17(0)=21.2±0.7eVb, using the cluster model of Descouvemont and Baye.