Supplements to Silage Rations for Fattening Yearling Steers

Fattening trials involving 235 long-yearling Hereford steers were conducted to compare the value of certain simple and complex supplements to soybean meal in rations based on milo and either corn or sorghum silage. The relative value of 13 supplemental mixtures, when fed on an equal protein basis, was investigated. No consistent beneficial effects were obtained with any of the mixtures except those containing stilbestrol. Ingredients used in the supplements included alfalfa hay, dehydrated alfalfa meal, molasses, urea, condensed fish solubles, fermentation solubles, live-cell yeast, B-complex vitamins, vitamin A, steamed bone meal, trace minerals, Aureomycin, and a thyroid inhibitor. It would appear from the results that the basal ration containing milo, soybean meal, silage and minerals (free choice) was adequate to meet the needs of the rumen bacteria as measured by steer performance.