Phase ordering in the Ising model with conserved spin

We have studied conserved-order-parameter domain growth following a quench from T=∞ to T<Tc at critical concentration in the two- and three-dimensional Ising model, using a type of magnetization-conserving spin-exchange dynamics which suppresses diffusion along interfaces. Domain sizes grow in proportion to the 1/3 power of time after the quench over a wide range of annealing temperatures. The effective diffusion constant associated with the growth law is thermally activated, leading to a long lag time ∼exp(const/T) before the onset of power-law growth. During this lag period, transient phenomena associated with activated barrier crossings are observed. We also study dynamic scaling of the structure factor and two-time correlations in the asymptotic growth regime: many of these results differ from those obtained from continuous-field theories of phase separation such as model B.