Comparison of Long-term Monitoring and Standard Cystometry in Chronic Retention of Urine

Twenty-eight men with chronic retention of urine were investigated by means of a standard medium fill cystometrogram and by long-term monitoring of bladder pressure whilst the bladder filled naturally. Effective cystometric capacity was greater in each patient during standard cystometry (297 .+-. 180 ml) than during long-term monitoring (99 .+-. 100 ml; P < 0.002). The incidence of detrusor instability was also greater during long-term monitoring than during standard cystometry (P < 0.01). During filling, the detrusor pressure increased significantly both in standard cystometry (27.9 .+-. 22.8 cmH2O; P < 0.002). The detrusor pressure rise during filling was significantly greater during the standard cystometrogram than during long-term monitoring (P < 0.002). Even when the detrusor pressure rise was corrected to take account of the different cystometric capacities this difference persisted (P < 0.05). High end filling pressures are common in men with chronic retention investigated by means of a standard cystometrogram but are not observed during long-term monitoring. Such high pressures are probably due to the unphysiological rates of filling and the large volumes of fluid instilled during standard cystometry.