Management and response to treatment of Helicobacter pylori gastritis.

Gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori was present in gastric biopsies from 24/95 (25%) children and adolescents undergoing endoscopy for recurrent abdominal pain and upper gastrointestinal symptoms. H pylori associated gastritis occurred mainly in older children (8-16 years) and was significantly associated with low socioeconomic class and a family history of peptic ulcer disease. Antral nodularity was a common endoscopic finding in H pylori positive children. Eighteen children, all over 5 years of age, were treated with tripotassium dicitratobismuthate (De-Nol) for two months and ampicillin for two weeks. In 12 children follow up gastric biopsies were obtained six weeks after completion of treatment. In 9/12 (75%) children H pylori was eradicated, and gastritis improved.

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