Quantitative Estimation and Identification of Estrogens in Bovine Urine

This work was conducted to further develop methodology for the chemical assay of estrogen in bovine urine. The method includes use of C14 internal standards, a combination of enzyme and acid hydrolysis, paper chromatography, and fluorimetry for the assay of 4 estrogens in bovine pregnancy urine. Enzyme hydrolysis liberated approximately 90% of the 17[alpha]-estradiol but only about 10% of the estrone as compared with enzyme followed by acid hydrolysis. Approximately equal amounts of 17[beta]-estradiol and estriol-like compound were liberated by enzyme and acid hydrolysis. Three of the compounds, 17[alpha]-estradiol, 17[beta]-estradiol and estrone, were positively identified by paper chromatographic mobilities, sulfuric acid and absorption spectra, and biological potencies. Additional proof of structure for 17[alpha]-estradiol was provided by the Kagi-Miescher and Haenni-Iron-Kober tests. Chromatographic studies suggest the presence of 16, 17-epiestriol, but inadequate quantities of the hormone prevented identification.