Mitogens as motogens

Numerous in vivo methodologies have documented the invasivebehavior of glioma cells through normal brain parenchyma.Glioma cell locomotion has also been assessed witha number of in vitro assays including theBoyden chamber and other chemotaxis assays, colloidal goldcell tracking, analysis of migration of cells tumorcells from spheroids, confrontation cultures of glioma cellswith aggregates of non-neoplastic tissue, time-lapse video microscopy,electron microscopic examination of the cytomorphologic correlates ofcell motility, the radial dish assay, and quantitativeenzyme immunoassay of proteins associated with invasion (e.g.laminin). Several of these techniques have been specificallymodified to assess the effects of cytokines onglioma cell motility in vitro. Cytokines studied utilizingthese methods include: epidermal growth factor (EGF), basicfibroblast growth factor (bFGF), the bb dimer ofplatelet-derived growth factor (PDGFbb), nerve growth factor (NGF),interleukin 2 (IL-2), transforming growth factors alpha andbeta 1 (TGFα and TGFstraat1), and tumor necrosisfactor alpha (TNFα). This review summarizes the investigationalmethods used to evaluate random and directional gliomacell motility and invasion in vivo and invitro. The roles of specific mitogens as motogens,as evaluated with these methods are then presented.