Association of compartment defects in pelvic floor dysfunction.

Dynamic cystoproctography was used to determine the frequency of associated urinary, genital, and anorectal abnormalities in women with pelvic floor dysfunction. We categorized, by pelvic floor compartments, the symptoms at presentation of 100 consecutive female patients who had been referred for dynamic cystoproctography. We then analyzed the compartment defects seen on dynamic cystoproctography relative to those detected on clinical presentation. Of the 20 patients with symptoms of anterior compartment (urinary) defect, dynamic cystoproctography revealed that 45% had vaginal vault prolapse of more than 50% and that 90% had rectoceles. Of the 45 patients with symptoms of middle compartment (genital) defect, dynamic cystoproctography revealed that 91% had cystoceles, 56% had a hypermobile bladder neck, 82% had rectoceles, 58% had enteroceles, 11% had sigmoidoceles, 20% had rectoanal intussusception, and 16% had anal incontinence. Of the 17 patients with symptoms of posterior compartment (anorectal) defect, dynamic cystoproctography showed that 71% had cystoceles, 65% had a hypermobile bladder neck, and 35% had vaginal vault prolapse of more than 50%. Of the 18 patients with symptoms of defects from a combination of compartments, dynamic cystoproctography revealed that 89% had cystoceles, 56% had a hypermobile bladder neck, 39% had vaginal vault prolapse exceeding 50%, 100% had rectoceles (of which 45% were large), 6% had enteroceles, 6% had sigmoidoceles, 22% had rectoanal intussusception, and 6% had anal incontinence. Although patients may present with symptoms that involve only one compartment, a multicompartment prolapse is usually revealed on dynamic cystoproctography. Of the patients with pelvic floor dysfunction, 95% had abnormalities in all three compartments.

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