A multiple-capillary electrophoresis system for small-scale DNA sequencing and analysis

A five-capillary system has been developed for DNA sequencing and analysis. The post-column fluorescence detector is based on a sheath-flow cuvette. The instrument provides uniform and continuous illumination of the samples. The cuvette virtually eliminates cross-talk in the fluorescence signal between capillaries. Discrete single-photon counting avalanche photodiodes provide high efficiency light detection. The instrument has detection limits (3σ) of 130 ± 30 fluorescein molecules injected onto each capillary. Over 650 bases of sequence at 98.8% accuracy were generated in 100 min at 50°C from M13mp18. Separation and detection of short tandem repeats proved efficient and accurate with the use of internal standards for direct comparison of migration times between capillaries.