Correlates of Vaccination for Hepatitis B Among Adolescents

Objective To identify correlates of hepatitis B vaccination status in sixth-grade students in the year prior to implementation of a requirement mandating immunization for seventh-grade entry. Methods A survey of parents of sixth-graders in 5 schools in San Diego County. Two logistic regression models were tested to predict the outcome variables: initiation and completion of the vaccination series. Results Factors associated with initiating the series included a recent nonacute medical visit, white race, hearing about the vaccination law from a health care provider, and the availability of a school-based vaccination clinic. Factors associated with completing the series included English as the primary language spoken at home, hearing about the law from a health care provider, a school-based vaccination clinic, and higher socioeconomic status. Health insurance was not significantly related to either outcome. Conclusions There was a clear benefit for hepatitis B immunization status to have had a recent nonacute medical visit, to have heard about the law from a health care provider, and to have a school-based vaccination clinic. The factors associated with starting vs completing the vaccination series were not identical. However, both health care provider and school characteristics were related to starting and completing the vaccination series. Thus, a multifaceted strategy may be most appropriate for successful coverage of an adolescent population with a vaccination series such as hepatitis B.