Neonatal Meningitis

MENINGITIS during the first month of life is a rare disease. When it occurs, however, early diagnosis is difficult, therapy is uncertain, and the prognosis is still generally stated to be poor.1 , 2 The literature on this subject began with Macaigne's3 case report in 1873 and was followed in the next seventy years by only a few reports of single cases or small series of cases.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In 1943 Flensborg19 was able to gather only 131 cases from the world literature. Debré, Mozziconacci and Berkman,1 in 1954, reviewed 33 cases from the more recent literature, together with 13 of their own cases . . .