Cytochemical Identification of Secreted Carbohydrates in the Endolymphatic Sac

Carbohydrate complexes were investigated in the murine endolymphatic sac by means of his-tochemical techniques in normal untreated animals as well as after ethacrynic acid treatment. The light epithelial cells were classified into three different types: normal, granular and vacuolar. The granular and vacuolar cells were believed to secrete glycoproteins and/or proteoglycans, the presence of which was closely correlated with the component of the precipitate in the lumen of the endolymphatic sac. This finding suggested that the light cells not only absorb endolymph but may also be involved with secretory activity. Such a dual modality in function may have several important implications, since it suggests that the endolymphatic sac has both absorptive and secretory functions.