Shigella paradysenteriae organisms were incubated in a solution of trypsin and then removed from the suspension by Seitz filtration. Serologic tests with anti whole Shigella serum indicated that the filtrate contained antigenic material derived from the organisms. When lymph node cells from rabbits not previously injected with Shigella were incubated in vitro with such filtrates and then transferred to irradiated recipients, agglutinins. to Shigella appeared in the sera of the latter. Transfer of heated suspensions of cells was not followed by the appearance of agglutinins in irradiated recipient rabbits. Non-irradiated recipients of lymph node cells incubated with the filtrate also developed agglutinin titers, to a lower level than irradiated animals. Agglutinins did not appear in the sera of the majority of non-irradiated recipients of heated cells. Addition of excess antiserum to either the filtrate or the cell suspension before incubation of these 2 materials resulted in a marked reduction in subsequent agglutinin titers of recipient animals. However, if antiserum was added at the conclusion of the usual 30-minute-incubation of cells and filtrate, or even after 5 minutes of incubation, there was no reduction in the agglutinin titers of the recipients. Cytologic examination of aliquots of a number of the suspensions of cells prepared for transfer revealed that about 98-99% of the cells belonged to the lymphocytic series.