The Effects of Cross-Age Tutoring on the Academic Achievement, Social Behaviors, and Self-Perceptions of Low-Achieving African-American Males with Behavioral Disorders

Four low-achieving fifth-grade African-American males with behavioral disorders tutored sight words to four low-achieving second-grade African-American males with behavioral disorders. Four fifth-grade and four second-grade African-American males with behavioral disorders who did not participate in the tutoring program served as comparisons for the tutors and tutees. The effects of the tutoring program on social behaviors was assessed through direct observations and pre/post ratings by classroom teachers. Similarly, self-ratings of social competence were obtained on all students. Percentage increases in sight words were greater for all tutors and tutees compared to those of their nontutoring peers. Positive social interactions were observed during tutoring and teacher ratings were more favorable for tutoring students. The intervention appeared to have no effect on self-perceptions of social skills. The results of this study validate the ability of low-achieving African-American males with behavioral disorders to serve as tutors and the beneficial effects for both tutees and tutors.