Magnetic Nanotubes for Magnetic-Field-Assisted Bioseparation, Biointeraction, and Drug Delivery

Tubular structure of nanoparticles is highly attractive due to their structural attributes, such as the distinctive inner and outer surfaces, over conventional spherical nanoparticles. Inner voids can be used for capturing, concentrating, and releasing species ranging in size from large proteins to small molecules. Distinctive outer surfaces can be differentially functionalized with environment-friendly and/or probe molecules to a specific target. Magnetic particles have been extensively studied in the field of biomedical and biotechnological applications, including drug delivery, biosensors, chemical and biochemical separation and concentration of trace amounts of specific targets, and contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Therefore, by combining the attractive tubular structure with magnetic property, the magnetic nanotube (MNT) can be an ideal candidate for the multifunctional nanomaterial toward biomedical applications, such as targeting drug delivery with MRI capability. Here, we successfully synthesized magnetic silica-iron oxide composite nanotubes and demonstrated the magnetic-field-assisted chemical and biochemical separations, immunobinding, and drug delivery.