Phosphoesterases of bone and snake venoms

The phosphomonoesterase (optimum pH 8.8 sheep) and the phosphodiesterases of sheep, beef and guinea-pig bones are adsorbed by norite charcoal from aq. soln. Since the diesterase is not eluted, the monoesterase, which can be eluted is purified from diesterase and inorganic phosphate. Such adsorptions are carried out with the soln. of an enzyme prepn. obtained by the customary precipitation with alc. and ether, or are used with a crude bone autolysate, thus obviating this precipitation completely. Of the venoms of 12 different snakes of the Viperidae, Crotalidae and Colubridae, 7 contained both phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase, whereas 5 contained phosphodiesterase only, optimum at pH 8.3 in the case of Russell''s viper venom. Apparently the snake family is not a deciding factor in determining which phosphoesterases are present in the venom.

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