We carried out cyto-histological observations to the tuberization of potato plant. The results are as follows. 1. The stolon emerges extrophly from the node of subterrenean main stem at once after germination. Yasui (1946) described that the emergence of stolon would be induced by the differentiation of flower organ in the growing point of the terrestrial main stem. The vuscular bundle of stolon develops weakly and scarcely in comparison with the main stem. 2. The stolon-top begins to change its form as soon as it ceases to "Tuber formation period". The most characterized results in cytohistological observations of this period are as follows. 1) Conspicious increase of mark in comparison with rind. 2) Development of interparenchyma cell layer. Increases of each tissues are induced by enlargement of cell and increase of cell number. 3. "Tuber swelling period" is continuous to "Tuber formation period." In this period every tissues increase in company with tuber swelling, but rate of increase of mark is more than it of cortex at the beginning of this period, and after this the rate stated above are nearly no difference in every tissues. Enlargement of cell in every tissues is continuing to a limiting point of tuber swelling process, this point is about in J stage (tuber weight about 140g). Increase of cell number is considered by relative growth rates of both increase of tissue and enlargement of cell, and it is continued to the latest stage of swelling period. 4. Small starch grains are observed at first in the endodermis of cortex and they spread to every tissues and increase their size (Trans. Dimension+Longi. Di./2 in measurement). On the other hand they are formed newly during tuber swelling period. 5. The cork layer of tuber is commenced to form in III stage of "Tuber formation period" and completed quantitatively in the beginning stage of "Tuber swelling period, " after this its thickness is decreased and become to completed protected layer.