Development and preliminary validation of the body satisfaction scale (BSS)

This paper describes the development of a simple paper-and-pencil test designed to measure satisfaction/dissatisfaction with 16 body parts. It is based on the body-cathexis scale of Secord and Jourard (1953) but takes only 2–3 minutes to complete. The factorial structure of the scale is described together with the three summative scales (“general,” “head parts” and “body parts” dissatisfaction) which are derived. The internal consistency of the scales was found to be acceptable. Significant positive correlations are also reported with the Body Shape Questionnaire (Cooper et al., 1987). The paper reports data for female comparison groups (college students, nursing students and female volunteers) and for samples of eating disorder patients and overweight subjects. The latter two groups report significantly higher body dissatisfaction than the comparison groups. Finally, it is argued that the scale is useful for work in health related fields and some current applications are briefly described.