Efficacy of skin barrier creams (IV). The repetitive irritation test (RIT) with a set of 4 standard irritants

An improved human model for the quantification of skin barrier creams (BCs) is described. In contrast to the previously published procedure, the back, instead of the forearm, and a total of 4 irritants are used. Due to the larger area, 3 BC formulations can be simultaneously compared to the control field, which receives the irritant only, without BC-pretreatment. On 10 human volunteers, the irritants 10% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), 1% sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 30% lactic acid (LA) and undiluted toluene (TOL) were applied via large Finn Chambers for 30 min, 5 x during the 1st week and 4 x during the 2nd week. Taktosan Salbe (water-in-oil emulsion) and RAWI Speerschutzcreme (oil-in-water emulsion) were applied 30 min before contact with the irritants. In order to assess reproducibility and interindividual variation, the BC RAWI was tested in duplicate. Irritant cutaneous reactions were quantified by 4 parameters: erythema score, transepidermal water loss, blood flow volume and stratum corneum hydration by measuring capacitance. The results showed marked differences in efficacy. Taktosan significantly suppressed irritation by SLS, NaOH and LA, which was apparent in nearly all parameters. RAWI caused significant inhibition of SLS irritation, and a positive trend against NaOH and LA was observed. Both BCs failed against TOL. The results of duplicate testing with RAWI showed good reproducibility. The dogma that oil-in-water emulsions are primarily effective against lipophilic irritants, and water-in-oil emulsions against hydrophilic irritants, needs to be re-evaluated on the basis of our findings. This model seems to have potential for further studies on BCs and might elucidate the complex interaction of BCs with irritants.

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