The Li7(α, n)B10 reaction has been investigated by two independent methods. In the first method the energies of the neutron groups were measured with a proton recoil telescope using an integral range technique. In the second method slow neutrons were observed at the threshold energies for each level with an enriched BF3 counter. The combined results of the two methods give energy levels in B10 at excitation energies of 0.74, 1.31, and 1.72±0.06 Mev, with a ground-state Q-value for the reaction of -2.82±0.10 Mev. A comparative experiment with a Li6 target was carried out so that positive assignment of the levels to B10 could be made. This work confirms the existence of a second excited state in B10 at 1.3-Mev excitation. The 1.3-Mev level had been observed in an early slow-neutron threshold experiment using the Li7(α, n)B10 reaction, but it has not been found in other reactions leading to the same final nucleus.