In 1914 Simmonds1described the destruction of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis which he observed at autopsy in certain cases and reconstructed from the history the clinical picture of the disease which now bears his name. Later2(1916 and 1918) he published reports of 4 more cases. In 1933 Silver3collected reports of 41 cases and added 1 of his own, in all of which the diagnosis was proved at autopsy, destruction by one lesion or another being present in the anterior lobe. Many other cases have been reported in which the diagnosis was made clinically, recent examples being those of Howard and Rhea4(1936) and Regester and Cuttle5(1937). Smith6(1930) removed the anterior lobe of the hypophysis of the rat without injury to the hypothalamus and provided an experimental counterpart of the disease. He showed also that the deficiency could be remedied by the implantation

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