Theory of Adsorption of the Isotopic Hydrogen Molecules at Low Temperatures

A theory of adsorption of the isotopic hydrogen molecules is developed where the potential of interaction of the adsorbed molecule with the plane surface is a function of two parameters. The Schrödinger equation is solved for the rotation—vibrational energy levels of the diatomic molecules in the adsorbed state. From these energy levels, isotopic and ortho—para separation factors and heats of adsorption are calculated by statistical thermodynamics. There is a reasonable correspondence between experimental separation factors and heats of adsorption derived from chromatographic experiments, and those computed from the theory for selected values of the potential parameters. The sequence of relative volatilities of the hydrogen isotopes and ortho—para species found experimentally is in accord with that predicted from the theory. Both the separation factors relative to para hydrogen and the heats of adsorption increase in the order; o‐H2, HD, HT, o‐D2, p‐D2, DT, p‐T2, and o‐T2.

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